Monday, January 28, 2008

Soulja Boy and Thoughts

I just watched Miss Sheila from the food service at Lipscomb do the Soulja Boy (sp?) on You Tube. Over the top for me. Then I watched the Pi Delta pledges do it too. WOW!!!!!!! Highly entertaining.
Now for your thoughts......please fill in the blank. Wouldn't it be nice if my women's ministry at church did ______________________________. There is no right or wrong answer. Just trying to get an idea on how we need to meet the needs of women today.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hello, my name is Andrea...remember me?

First off, I have to say how proud I am of all of my friends. They are having babies, raising toddlers, bulding houses, working(teaching sex ed) and SKY DIVING!!!!! Who knew this bunch of girls(i still think of us as twenty and living in the dorm sleeping on bunk beds)would grow to be such amazing women. I am so glad to know you all. I have neglected my blogging "duties". I could come up with excuses why I haven't but looking at what everyone else is doing and maintaining a blog I won't waste our time. We had a great holiday season. I so enjoyed everyone's holiday cards (sick, its Christmas people, Christmas). They are still taped up on a bookshelf (a fine holiday tradition growing up) and they won't come down until I feel like it. Congratulations to all you new mommies out there! Your babies are super cute. Good luck with all of that mess that comes with babies. You'll be great!! Specifically to Lindsay Sloss (i know this is your maiden name, just felt like typing it)- You have more nerve than anyone I can think of right now. I watched your video. It was fantastic. I loved it. I wonder what is next on your list of things to do...this is not a hint at starting a family.
Back to me...we went to visit my family and got to ski. I love it. I am not very good at it but I love it. At heart, I will always be a mountain mama (take me home country roads makes me cry everytime I listen to it). Still working, Hunter is coaching and thats about it. We did have a birthday party for Hunter's 30th birthday a couple weeks ago. It was great! We did a casino, prizes and all. Not much going on now. Just hanging out and watching football and trying to stay warm. Take it easy!